The faculty for the Master's Program in Conflict Resolution and Coexistence consists of experts in the fields of international politics, human rights, ethnic conflict, culture, civil society movements, race relations and dialogue and mediation processes. They are drawn from both Brandeis University and neighboring academic institutions in the Boston area. In addition, the program utilizes visiting international faculty and draws upon the experience of international experts from many of the governmental, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations working in the field of conflict.
COEX Faculty

Sandra Jones
Interim Director, MA in Conflict Resolution and Coexistence Program; Executive Director of Global Programs

Pamina Firchow
Associate Professor

Alain Lempereur
Alan B. Slifka Professor of Conflict Resolution and Coexistence
Alain Lempereur promotes responsible negotiation and mediation worldwide through research, leadership training and consulting. His books in many languages include "The First Move. A Negotiator’s Companion" and "Mediation: Negotiation by Other Moves." His responsible negotiation research and executive seminars support leaders and humanitarians in the field.
Expertise: Responsible Leadership, Responsible Negotiation, Humanitarian Negotiation, Mediation, Questioning, Peace, Coexistence, Post-Conflict, Facilitation, Philosophy of Law, Jurisprudence, Legal Rhetoric, Reconciliation, Peace Education.

Rob Grace
Adjunct Lecturer

Pierrette Quintiliani
Adjunct Lecturer
Expertise: International field emergency, relief operations, conflict prevention, international humanitarian law.

Nanako Tamaru
Adjunct Lecturer