(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Course # Time
HS 110A 1
Labor, Work, and Inequality
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T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Mandel Humanities: G03
David Weil
HS 125A 1
Contemporary Antisemitism
T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Heller-Brown: G053
Leonard Saxe

(200 and above) Primarily for Graduate Students

Course # Time
HS 205A 1
Monitoring and Evaluation
M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Heller-Brown: G046
Joseph Assan
HS 205F 1
Organizational Management for Development Practitioners
Module Session 1
M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Heller-Brown: G046
Joseph Assan
HS 209F 1
Multilateral Negotiations
Module Session 1
T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Shiffman: 201
Joel Gershenfeld
HS 210F 1
Postcolonial Theories of Global Injustice and Social Inequality
Module Session 1
F 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Schneider Heller: G003
Rajesh Sampath
HS 218A 1
Coexistence and Conflict Field Practicum
TBD Sandra Jones
HS 225A 1
Fundraising and Development
T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
David Whalen
HS 225F 1
Measurement of Inequality to Health and Development
Module Session 2
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Schwartz: 103
Ricardo Godoy
HS 227F 1
Coexistence Monitoring and Evaluation
Module Session 2
F 9:35 AM–12:25 PM
Golding Judaica: 109
Pamina Firchow
HS 230A 1
SID Field Practicum Course
TBD Sandra Jones
HS 232A 2
Team Consulting Project Workshop
TBD Lawrence Bailis
Carole Carlson
HS 252B 3
Strategic Management
T,Th 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Golding Judaica: 103
Joel Gershenfeld
HS 252F 1
Women, Peacemaking, and Peacebuilding
Module Session 2
T,Th 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Lown: 203
Nanako Tamaru
HS 256F 1
Healthcare Data Analytics and Data Mining
Module Session 1
T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Schneider Heller: G002
Seyed Razavi
HS 263F 1
Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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Module Session 2
W 6:30 PM–9:20 PM
Schneider Heller: G004
Ravi Lakshmikanthan
HS 273F 1
Law and Social Justice: Gender Equity Policies and Litigation
Module Session 1
M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Anita Hill
HS 294F 1
Responsible Mediation
Module Session 1
T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Golding Judaica: 101
Eric Greene
HS 297F 1
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
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Module Session 1
W 6:30 PM–9:20 PM
Schneider Heller: G004
Ravi Lakshmikanthan
HS 305A 1
International Health Economics
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Schneider Heller: G003
Elad Daniels
HS 305F 1
Advanced Dialogue and Mediation
Module Session 2
T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Shiffman: 123
Eric Greene
HS 309F 1
Policy Approaches to Gender-Based Violence
Module Session 2
Th 7:05 PM–9:55 PM
Shiffman: 125
Kaitie Chakoian
HS 315F 1
Evaluating Evaluation Methods
Module Session 2
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Brown: 224
Ricardo Godoy
HS 322F 1
Sociological Perspectives on Housing Disparities: Race and Stratification
Module Session 1
T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Brown: 115
Tatjana Meschede
HS 323F 1
Participatory Action Research
Module Session 1
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Schwartz: 103
Alexandra Pineros-Shields
HS 334A 2
Child and Family Policy
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Heller-Brown: G053
Marji Warfield
HS 336A 1
Heller MPP Capstone Seminar
M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Schneider Heller: G003
Alexandra Pineros-Shields
Robert Kuttner
HS 339F 1
Advanced Topics in Health Care Data Analytics and Data Mining
Module Session 2
T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Golding Judaica: 101
Seyed Razavi
HS 341A 1
Public Finance and Budgeting
T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Shiffman: 202
Sakshi Jain
HS 342B 1
Policy Advocacy, Protest, and Community Organizing
T,Th 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Lown: 203
Lawrence Bailis
HS 343F 1
Health Care Entrepreneurship
Module Session 1
TBD abdullah baaj
HS 346B 1
Policy Perspectives on Criminal Legal System Disparities
M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Heller-Brown: G051
Robert Dunigan
HS 372B 1
Economic Theory and Social Policy
T,Th 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Schwartz: 103
Lisa Lynch
HS 402F 1
Research Methods
Module Session 2
T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Lown: 301
Ricardo Godoy
HS 405A 2
Applied Econometrics
T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Golding Judaica: 101
Lee Panas
Lee Panas
HS 410A 1
Applied Research Seminar: Quantitative
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Heller-Brown: G054
Grant Ritter
HS 412F 1
Social Policy and Management Through the Lens of Equity
Module Session 2
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Schneider Heller: G004
Alexandra Pineros-Shields
HS 414F 2
Ethical Issues in Social Science Research
Module Session 2
M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Sharon Reif
HS 415A 1
Healthcare AI
Blended Learning Session 2
TBD Joel Gershenfeld
HS 421G 2
Power and Influence: Beyond Formal Authority
Blended Learning Session 2
TBD Michael Jellinek
HS 422G 2
Healthcare Technology
Blended Learning Session 2
TBD Cindy Thomas
HS 442A 3
Corporate Finance II
Blended Learning Session 2
TBD Elif Sisli Ciamarra
HS 448F 1
Introduction to SAS® Programming and Data Management
Module Session 1
T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Shiffman: 216
Seyed Razavi
HS 450A 2
Healthcare Financial Reporting and Analysis
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Brenda Anderson
HS 453B 1
Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Sandra Cha
HS 458A 1
Operations Management
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD J. Bradley Morrison
HS 467B 1
State Health Policy
Blended Learning Session 2
TBD Michael Doonan
HS 477B 1
Conflict Resolution by Negotiation
Blended Learning Session 2
TBD Joel Gershenfeld
Joel Gershenfeld
HS 480B 2
Economic Analysis for Physicians as Managers
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Christine Bishop
HS 489B 1
Executive Team Consulting Project
Blended Learning Session 2
TBD Carole Carlson
HS 490G 1
Leadership Coaching
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Sally Ourieff
HS 490G 2
Leadership Coaching
Blended Learning Session 2
TBD Sally Ourieff
HS 491G 1
Physician Field Experience
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Brenda Anderson
HS 505F 1
Quality and Performance Measurement in Healthcare
Module Session 1
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Heller-Brown: G055
Deborah Garnick
HS 508A 1
Theory of Social Policy and Change
F 9:35 AM–12:25 PM
Golding Judaica: 103
Rajesh Sampath
HS 510A 1
Applied Design and Analysis
T,Th 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Brown: 224
Graham Wright
HS 518A 2
Management of Health Care Organizations
TBD Mitchell Glavin
HS 526A 1
Organizational Theory and Behavior
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Heller-Brown: G055
Jody Hoffer Gittell
HS 532B 1
Social Policy Analysis: Technique and Application
T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
Michael Doonan
HS 572A 1
Economics of Behavioral Health
T,Th 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Heller-Brown: G051
Dominic Hodgkin
HS 603C 1
Health Policy Doctoral Seminar
T 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Heller-Brown: G054
Jennifer Perloff
Jennifer Perloff
HS 604C 1
Economic and Racial Equity Doctoral Seminar
T 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Heller-Brown: G051
Tatjana Meschede
HS 605C 1
Behavioral Health Doctoral Seminar
T 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Sharon Reif
Sharon Reif
HS 607C 1
Disability, Health and Disparities Research Doctoral Seminar
F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Heller-Brown: G051
Monika Mitra
HS 801G 2
TBD Carole Carlson