(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Course # Time
HS 104B 1
American Health Care
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F 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
Darren Zinner

(200 and above) Primarily for Graduate Students

Course # Time
HS 201A 1
Political Ecology and Development
T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Joseph Assan
HS 207F 1
Evaluating Well-being in Development, Health, and Security in the Context of Climate Change
Module Session 2
T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Heller-Brown: 163
Ricardo Godoy
HS 210A 1
Coexistence and Conflict: Theory and Analysis
W 7:15 PM–10:05 PM
Schneider Heller: G001
Pamina Firchow
HS 216F 1
Policy Perspectives on Women, Work, and Inequality
Module Session 2
T,Th 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Heller-Brown: G053
Sarah Soroui
HS 218A 1
Coexistence and Conflict Field Practicum
TBD Sandra Jones
HS 230A 1
SID Field Practicum Course
TBD Sandra Jones
HS 230F 1
Coexistence Research Methods
Module Session 2
T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Olin-Sang: 201
Sandra Jones
HS 236A 1
International Health Systems and Development
F 9:35 AM–12:25 PM
Schneider Heller: G003
Allyala Nandakumar
HS 236F 1
Strategies for Coexistence Interventions
Module Session 1
W 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Golding Judaica: 103
Pamina Firchow
HS 237F 1
Applied Cost-Benefit Analysis for Development Practitioners
Module Session 2
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Ricardo Godoy
HS 242F 1
Development Aid
Module Session 1
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Laurence Simon
HS 244A 1
Responsible Negotiation
F 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
HS 247F 1
Evaluation for Managers
Module Session 1
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Brown: 115
Sonia Koshy
HS 248B 1
Financial Management
F 9:35 AM–12:25 PM
Olin-Sang: 116
Elif Sisli Ciamarra
HS 254A 2
Human Resource Management
T,Th 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Brown: 224
Jody Hoffer Gittell
HS 266A 1
Introduction to Economics for Development Practitioners
M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Pratistha Joshi Rajkarnikar
HS 277F 1
Introduction to Planning and Implementation
Module Session 1
T,Th 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Nanako Tamaru
HS 279A 1
Planning and Implementation
T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Shiffman: 202
Joseph Assan
HS 297F 1
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
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Module Session 2
W 6:30 PM–9:20 PM
Schneider Heller: G004
Ravi Lakshmikanthan
HS 303A 1
Historical and Contemporary Developments in Social Welfare
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
Robert Kuttner
HS 306F 1
Survey Design and Data Analysis for Development
Module Session 2
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Olin-Sang: 124
Ricardo Godoy
HS 307F 1
Policy and Program Evaluation
Module Session 1
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Olin-Sang: 124
Sakshi Jain
HS 311F 1
Everyday Peace Indicators
Module Session 2
W 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Golding Judaica: 103
Pamina Firchow
HS 314F 1
Race and Stratification in the US Economy
Module Session 2
M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Lisa Lynch
HS 319F 1
Ethics, Rights, and Development
Module Session 1
T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Heller-Brown: 163
Rajesh Sampath
HS 326F 1
Introduction to Stata® Programming and Data Management
Module Session 1
T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
Lee Panas
HS 326F 2
Introduction to Stata® Programming and Data Management
Module Session 1
M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Heller-Brown: G054
Lee Panas
HS 332A 1
Research Methods
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Schneider Heller: G002
Marji Warfield
HS 334F 1
Disability Policy: Intersections with Health, Poverty, Education and Family Policy
Module Session 2
M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Heller-Brown: G054
Marji Warfield
HS 338A 1
Sustainable International Development Master's Paper Writing Seminar
M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM Laurence Simon
HS 338F 1
Introduction to Data Analytics and Visualization
Module Session 1
T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Brown: 316
Seyed Razavi
HS 341F 1
Applied Data Analytics and Data Mining
Module Session 2
T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Brown: 316
Seyed Razavi
HS 349F 1
Introduction to Microeconomics in Global Health
Module Session 2
T,Th 7:05 PM–8:25 PM
Schneider Heller: G003
Seyed Razavi
HS 367A 1
Working with National Data Sets to Inform Policy Analysis and Recommendations
T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Lown: 201
Tatjana Meschede
HS 401B 1
Research Methods
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Heller-Brown: G053
Jody Hoffer Gittell
HS 403B 1
Qualitative Research
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Heller-Brown: G053
Nina Kammerer
HS 403F 1
Policy to Action: Understanding Implementation
Module Session 2
M,W 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Brown: 115
Sangeeta Tyagi
HS 404B 2
Applied Regression Analysis
T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Shiffman: 123
Sakshi Jain
HS 406F 1
Multilevel Modeling Methods
Module Session 1
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Schwartz: 110
Graham Wright
HS 409A 1
Advanced Econometrics
T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Heller-Brown: G051
Dominic Hodgkin
HS 411B 1
Advanced Topics in Qualitative Research
M,W 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Pearlman: 202
Nina Kammerer
HS 412F 1
Social Policy and Management Through the Lens of Equity
Module Session 1
T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Heller-Brown: G051
Alexandra Pineros-Shields
HS 413F 1
Social Determinants to Health and Development: Introduction to Population Analytics
Module Session 2
T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Brown: 115
Laurence Simon
HS 416A 1
Foundations of Social Theory: From the Early Twentieth Century to Critical Race Theory
F 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Heller-Brown: G053
Rajesh Sampath
HS 419F 1
Labor Economics as Applied to Social Policy
Module Session 1
M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Lisa Lynch
HS 422F 1
Module Session 1
T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Donald Shepard
HS 441A 1
Corporate Finance I
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Elif Sisli Ciamarra
HS 443B 1
Healthcare Entrepreneurship
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Carole Carlson
HS 457A 1
Healthcare Law and Ethics
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Marcia Boumil
HS 462B 1
Systems Thinking for a Complex World
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD J. Bradley Morrison
HS 468A 1
Management of Healthcare Organizations
Blended Learning Session 1
HS 475A 1
Quality and Performance Measurement in Healthcare
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Deborah Garnick
HS 489B 1
Executive Team Consulting Project
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Carole Carlson
HS 491G 1
Physicians Field Experience
Blended Learning Session 1
TBD Brenda Anderson
HS 513A 1
Issues in National Health Policy
M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Heller-Brown: G053
Michael Doonan
HS 528F 1
Law and Social Justice: Constructions of Race and Ethnicity and Their Consequences
Module Session 1
M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Brown: 316
Anita Hill
HS 534B 1
Perspectives on Economic and Racial Equity
T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Schneider Heller: G002
Alexandra Pineros-Shields
HS 586A 1
Issues in Addiction Treatment
T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Lown: 201
Sharon Reif
HS 602C 1
Children, Youth, and Families Doctoral Seminar
T 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Heller-Brown: G053
Dolores Acevedo-Garcia
HS 603C 1
Health Policy Doctoral Seminar
T 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Schneider Heller: G003
Jennifer Perloff
Jennifer Perloff
HS 604C 1
Economic and Racial Equity Doctoral Seminar
T 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Heller-Brown: G051
Tatjana Meschede
HS 605C 1
Behavioral Health Doctoral Seminar
T 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
Constance Horgan
Sharon Reif
HS 607C 1
Disability, Health and Disparities Research Doctoral Seminar
F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM Miriam Heyman