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Fascinating faculty research, powerful public speakers, and important student milestones: great things are happening at Heller every single day. Stay up to date on what’s happening at your alma mater by following us on social media:
Read Heller Publications
Each quarter, Heller publishes a print publication online and sends it to your mailbox. Update your information to make sure you’re receiving these great reads.
Heller Magazine, published each summer and winter, includes alumni news and powerful feature stories about Heller community members on campus and out in the world.
Heller Social Policy Impact Report, published each fall, showcases a selection of high-impact research and public engagement from Heller School faculty, researchers and students.
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Be on the lookout every month for the Heller news round-up and career development newsletters. Not receiving them? Please send us an email at helleralumni@brandeis.edu and we will add you to the list.